Noted is a place to securely store all your notes, ideas, recipes - whatever you want!
Create as many notes as you want, and organise them into folders. Copy, move and delete notes between folders.
Mark certain notes as your favourites for easy access to them.
Search all your notes for specific text.
Retrieve accidentally deleted notes from the Trash.
See how many characters and words you have typed.
Easily copy content to other apps, including Messages.
Your data is stored in a database which is password protected (and encrypted) by a master passcode.
When you first use the app you need to provide a passcode (which must be more than 3 digits in length) to protect your data.
Use iTunes file sharing to backup and restore the database file.
If you have a problem contact us, dont leave a bad review. We will always try to help. We have lots of very satisfied customers (visit our website to see their comments!)